Have your Say!
28th March 2009
Have your Say is an event not to be missed for all Group Scout Leaders, Assistant Group Scout Leaders, Group Contacts, members of Group & District Executives and members of District Teams!
DCs, GSLs and Group Contacts are asked to encourage their Executive Committees to come along.
It will be held at Scotland’s National Stadium; Hampden Park on Saturday 28th March from 10am until 4pm.
Those who normally wear Scout uniform should do so.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided during the day. Thanks to grant assistance, from the SHQ Development Fund, the cost to participants is £5 which we hope you will agree is good value.
During the day, a series of presentations and discussion groups will be offered, as well as a chance to meet members of the Regional Team and influence what we do to support you in your role.
Something you’d like some help with or a burning issue that you’d like to discuss, just let us know and we’ll get it on the Agenda on the day.
You will have the chance to participate in a choice of 5 of the following groups as well as spending time in your Districts:
- Support from the SHQ Development Fund & Abatement Scheme
- Grants & Fundraising
- Making the appointments process easy for new adults
- The member admin system - a tool for communicating
- Selling Scouting to recruit more adults
- Get noticed in your local newspaper
- Waiting Lists – a tool to grow your Group
- Successful mixed Scouting
- Growing Explorer Scouts
- Introducing the Scout Network
- What can Scout Fellowship do for me?
- Embracing faiths & beliefs in the programme
- Involving your young people in decision making.
- Running an enjoyable AGM.
- Easy compliance with Charity regulation (accounts, consitution, OSCR, etc).
- Involving Parent's in Supporting the Group.
Click here to download a flyer for the event.
Click here to register online for this important event.