Peace Light Service 2012
19th December 2012
Location: St. Mary's Parish Lanark, 70 Bannatyne Street, Lanark, ML11 7JS
Time: 7pm
You are warmly invited to join Clydesdale District in welcoming the Peace Light to Clyde Region. The light has travelled from Bethlehem with the help of Scout and Guides throughout Europe and its arrival is a fitting start to the Christmas Holidays.
The Peace Light service will be held at St Mary's Church, 70 Bannatyne Street, Lanark ML11 7JS at 7pm on Wednesday 19th December. The service will be led by young people for young people and followed by refreshments in St Mary's Clubrooms adjacent to the church. Parking is limited in the church grounds but there is a Morrison's opposite the Church which most people use! Lanark train station is also across the road from the Church providing direct rail links from Glasgow.
We do hope as many of you will join us. Please spread the word amongst your Group and let them know all members of your Sections and their families are welcome.
To help with catering arrangements please RSVP with a note of how many are attending from your Group to Gary Bainbridge by Friday 14th December.
More information about the background of the Peacelight can be found at